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Account Information

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What is Jeuveau® (PrabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs)?

Jeuveau® injection is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that temporarily improves the look of frown lines in adults.1  As a 900kDa purified botulinum toxin type A, Jeuveau has a proven molecular structure. 

What else can we tell you about our product?

Here are a few important things to know about Jeuveau: 

  • Aesthetic-first and only: Clinically developed for aesthetics, Jeuveau is the first product of its kind dedicated exclusively to aesthetics. 2 
  • Clinically Proven: Jeuveau® is backed by studies of more than 2,100 patients, including two Phase III U.S. trials, the largest head-to-head trial versus Botox® Cosmetic, as well as two long-term safety studies.3-7 
  • You can view the published head-to-head study here: https://academic.oup.com/asj/advance-article/doi/10.1093/asj/sjz110/5428816?searchresult=1
  • Modern-made: Jeuveau is a modern-made neurotoxin, produced in a state-of-the-art facility using our proprietary Hi-Pure™ manufacturing process.1

For more information about Jeuveau, please see the full Prescribing Information including BOXED WARNING, and Medication Guide. 

Please contact Botox® Cosmetic directly for information on their product. 

REFERENCES: 1. United States Patent: US 9,512,418 B2; Dec. 6, 2016. 2. Jeuveau [Package Insert], Santa Barbara, CA: Evolus, Inc.; 2019. 3. Data on File, CSR EV-001, BLA761085, Evolus, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. 4. Data on File, CSR EV-002, BLA761085, Evolus, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. 5. Data on File, CSR EVB-003, BLA761085, Evolus, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. 6. Data on File, CSR EV-004, BLA761085, Evolus, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. 7. Data on File, CSR EV-006, BLA761085, Evolus, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. 


Learn more HERE.

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I am a medical provider. How do I sign my agreements?

Please check your inbox for emails from Evolus Customer Experience via DocuSign dse_NA3@docusign.net. If you cannot locate the email in your inbox, please check your SPAM folder.

Still can’t locate them, please reach out to the Customer Experience team via chat or ticket submission. 

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I need to update my address. I need to change the medical provider on my account.

No problem. please reach out to the Customer Experience team via chat or ticket submission. Please do not place an order until your rep or the CE team confirms your account has been updated. 

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How do I reset my password on the Evolus portal/app? How to Change Pin on the App?

Update my Password in the Evolus Practice App/Portal

  1. Select the hamburger icon in the top right-hand corner
  2. Select User Profile Settings
  3. Under Change Password, create a new unique password

While logged in to the portal, please select the following:

  1. More Options
  2. User Profile Settings
  3. Login Settings
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How do I add and remove staff users from the Evolus portal/app?

On the home screen:
1. Select the hamburger icon in the top right-hand corner 
2. Select Account settings 
3. Under User Permissions, select Invite New User 
4. Add necessary information, then select Send Invite (Please review and select the permission that you would like the New User to have) 
5. The New User will receive an email to create their unique password to log in to the Practice App/Portal. 
You can remove users under the User Permission tab. Select the user you would like to remove, and in the top right-hand corner, there’s an option to remove the user.

 Note: Only Admin Users have access to add/remove users. 

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How do I access the Evolus App and Portal?

Download the Evolus Practice App for Android.


Download the Evolus Practice App for iPhones.


Visit the Evolus Portal at myevolus.evolus.com 

If you are experiencing issues logging in, please click on ‘Forgot Password.’ Keep this screen open and do not close out of it.   

A code will be sent to your email. Enter the code on the ‘Forgot Password’ screen and create a new password that meets the minimum password requirements. 

You will then be directed back to the log in screen of either the Practice App or Web App where you will need to re-enter your username (email) and new password to log in. 😊

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Ordering & Shipping Information

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Why was my order cancelled?

Payment Method: Debit/Credit Cards 

There may have been a problem authorizing your credit/debit card and your order did not process. We recommend that you contact your financial institution for the specific reason the card was not processed. Common reasons include an expired card, non-sufficient funds, or simply needing to contact your bank and adding Evolus as a vendor. Once this is done, please feel free to submit your order again.

Payment Method: Evolus Credit

If you have a Past Due balance or late-payment history with Evolus, your order will be held until the past due amount is resolved or a secured payment arrangement is agreed to. 


Why is my order held? 

Orders are typically held because of an open, unresolved past due balance.

If you have paid a previous invoice 30 days or more beyond term with Evolus, your new order may be placed on hold and a secured payment arrangement may be required to release your new order.

If you are looking to make a payment on a past due invoice, please reach out to the Accounts Receivable team via chat or ticket submission. You can also pay your past due and current invoices through the practice app or web portal.


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Do you offer free shipping?

Absolutely! Our goal is to make getting Jeuveau® (prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs) as frictionless as possible, so naturally, we offer FREE UPS Next Day delivery on all orders of 10 or more vials. If you need to place an order for less than 10 vials, there will be a flat-rate shipping fee assessed of $30.00. 

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How do I make a payment?

You can either make a payment via our online portal, Evolus Practice App or you can reach out to our AR department directly at (877) 386-5871 and choose option 4 when prompted.

In the Evolus Portal, select "Pay Invoice" located on the left column of your screen. Click the "Make a Payment" tab and it will give you the option to make a full payment or customize your payment amount.

There are no fees to pay online or directly with an Evolus rep via chat or phone.

Can I make a partial payment online?  

Yes, you can make payments online or in the practice app. There is an option to Pay Invoice on the left side when you log in. Just click there and then select Make A Payment. You then have the option to pay your entire balance due, your balance due this week, a specific invoice(s), or apply a custom payment amount to an open invoice.



Dashboard (online portal)

Download the Evolus Practice App for Android

Download the Evolus Practice App for iPhones

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How do I set up credit terms?

Thank you for your interest in opening a line of credit (Net 60) with us! Please fill out the New Credit Request form at our Help Desk.

Specifically, we’ll want to know: 

  • The name of your business or DBA 
  • How many years you’ve been in business 
  • If your business moved location(s) within the past year
  • Who your Accounts Payable contact is (name, phone number & email address) 
  • The number of vials you want to purchase on your initial order with terms 
  • The number of vials you want to purchase in the next 12 months.

Once you answer these questions, your request will be submitted for review, which may take between 1-2 business days to complete.

How can I increase my credit terms?

Please fill out the Increase Credit Request form at our Help Desk.

Once you answer these questions, your request will be submitted for review, which may take between 1-2 business days to complete.

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How do I add a different form of payment to my account?

There are two ways you can add a form of payment in the app or portal. Just navigate to and click on Billing then select Payment Methods. Now you will see the option in the top right to Add New Card/Bank. Once the method of payment you would like to add is selected, you will see a new pop-up window requesting the appropriate information to enter. 

When Creating an Order, you can also add a New Credit or Debit Card or Add a Bank Account when selecting a Payment Method.

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How do I change or cancel my order? What happens if I selected the wrong shipping address for my order?

If you need to change or cancel your order, please contact our Customer Experience team within 30 minutes of the order being placed. If it has been more than 30 minutes, we will try our best, but it's possible the order may not be able to be corrected. 
You can get in touch with us by one of three ways: 

We’ve designed our processes with you in mind. Our warehouse and shipping carrier work closely together to ensure efficient delivery times. This means there is a brief window of time between when we receive your order and when the order moves to in-transit status.

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Evolux Boutique

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What is the Evolux Boutique?

The Evolux Boutique is your all-in-one platform where you can manage your Evolux benefits, unlock valuable rewards, and do it all in the same place where you place orders and reward patients through Evolus Rewards!

What can you do there?

✅ Manage your Co-Branded Media Marketing benefits

✅ Access Exclusive Educational Resources

✅ Redeem Promotional Swag to elevate your practice* (starting later in Q1 2025)

Click HERE for the Evolux Boutique Tutorial!


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Take a tour of the Evolux Boutique
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What is the Evolus SEM Consumer Journey?

Click HERE for the Evolus SEM Consumer Journey.

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What is the Exfluential Package?
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How do I redeem a Billboard Package? How do I use a Billboard Locator? How does a Billboard Package work?

How does a Billboard Package work?



How do I use a Billboard Locator?



How do I redeem a Billboard Package?



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Can an account provide a custom billboard or request a custom billboard?

Custom billboards aren't permitted; please use only the approved templates provided by Evolux.

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Evolus Rewards for Practices

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What is Evolus RewardsTM?

Evolus RewardsTM is our modern patient loyalty program that provides patients with an instant $40 off Jeuveau® (prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs) by Evolus treatment every 90 days. 

Who incurs the charge of $40 that patients receive as a discount on Jeuveau® treatment?

You will be responsible for discounting $40 off the total amount that your practice charges patients for treatment with Jeuveau® (prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs). Discounts may only be provided to patients receiving treatment with Jeuveau®. You’ll be reimbursed with 1 credit towards a Reward Vial for every $40 patient check in.

What is the financial benefit to my practice of being involved in Evolus RewardsTM if we are incurring the cost of discounts given to patients?

Your practice earns one Reward vial credit for each $40 off patient check in. Every 9 credits earn you one Reward vial, redeemable with your next Evolus purchase (P.S. - You can redeem only Reward vials, too. Shipping fees apply on orders of less than 6 vials). Please note: For traditional National Accounts ratios, please reach out to your rep or email CE-NationalAccounts@evolus.com 



Please see the full Prescribing Information including BOXED WARNING, and Medication Guide.

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How do I enroll a patient while at my practice?

Patients can either enroll themselves on evolus.com/rewards or get enrolled by a staff member at a practice. While at the practice, the staff member will have the option to enroll the patient directly on the My Evolus Portal by inputting all the necessary info (first name, last name, gender, email, date of birth, zip code, prior treatments) or prompt the patient to enroll on their device, generating a link sent via SMS with the same questions needed to be filled out. Patients can elect to receive the link via email as well. Check out the tutorial video below. 


After enrollment, how do I check a patient in? 

Once enrollment is complete, if the patient has been treated that same day with Jeuveau® (prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs), click on “continue with check in”. Select which specialist has performed the treatment and confirm the Magic Phrase- a combination of two words (usually a color and a symbol). This is where the patient gets tied to your practice. Click here for a tutorial video on how to check a patient in.


Please see the full Prescribing Information including BOXED WARNING, and Medication Guide.

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What does my patient need to participate in the program?

Your patient will only need a mobile phone. Evolus RewardsTM is a text-based program that eliminates the need to remember any passwords!

How often are patients eligible for $40 off?

Your patients are eligible for the discount the day they sign up and every 90 days from their last Jeuveau® (prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs) treatment. Rewards are sent to patients when they become valid. You can also check their reward status in your Reward Dashboard.

What is the validity period for an available patient reward? 

The first Evolus RewardsTM coupon a patient receives is valid for 15 months from issuance. The patient is sent new discounts every 90 days from every subsequential check in, along with reminders to come back to your practice.

Do patient rewards expire? 

Yes, every $40 off treatment offer can last up to 15 months from issuance. Should the patient come back for treatment after that time, they’ll need to be checked in and will be eligible to earn a new reward 90 days after that.


Please see the full Prescribing Information including BOXED WARNING, and Medication Guide.

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How does my account opt in to Evolus Rewards™?

Accounts can opt- in to Evolus RewardsTM via the Evolus Practice App or My Evolus Portal at MyEvolus.Evolus.com. 

Once logged in, select the Rewards tab, and click on “Opt-in”.

Please note you will need to have purchased a minimum of ten (10) vials in the current or previous quarter to be eligible to opt into Evolus Rewards™.

How can I opt my practice out of Evolus Rewards™?

Anyone with Admin access can opt your account out of Evolus RewardsTM by visiting the Account Management function within the Evolus Practice App or My Evolus Portal.

Is my practice able to use Evolus Rewards™ without purchasing Jeuveau® vials?

An account will be temporarily marked inactive and unable to use the Rewards program if they have not purchased Jeuveau® (prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs) vials in the previous 12 months. An order of a minimum of 10 (ten) vials is required to re-activate the account.

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Can I offer to discount a patient’s Jeuveau® treatment by more or less than the $40 savings advertised for each available reward?

The standard reward is currently set at $40. However, it is possible that patients have earned $80 off when qualified through a special promotion. Those discounts will count as two credits. Be sure to check what promotion is available to them. That said, providing further discounts regardless of the Evolus RewardsTM status is at the discretion of the practice. Any additional discounts will not be recognized by Evolus towards a reward vial.


Please see the full Prescribing Information including BOXED WARNING, and Medication Guide.


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Is the discount amount of $40 off Jeuveau® treatment subject to change?

Evolus RewardsTM program terms are subject to change at any time. If the discount amount of $40 off Jeuveau® (prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs) treatment is changed, all participating accounts will be notified in advance.


Please see the full Prescribing Information including BOXED WARNING, and Medication Guide.

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DSCSA Information

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Where can I find the information needed to log into Tracelink to verify unit level traceability?

The necessary information will be located on the following:

  • Order Pack Slip (inside package)
  • Order Confirmation Email
  • My Evolus Portal (myevolus.evolus.com), select Order tab and select specific order number under Order History
  • My Practice App, select Order tab and select specific order number under Order History
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What are the differences between the two portals?

ASN data, including Transaction Information, Transaction History, and Transaction Statement, at the lot level will be discontinued on November 27, 2023. To access this information for prior purchases, you can register at https://dropship.tracelink.com/portallogin.

Beginning November 27, 2023, Evolus will be required by law to send the serial number, lot number, and expiration date for individual units of product as part of the DSCSA transaction information. Ahead of this deadline, https://opus.tracelink.com/ has been created so that all Evolus customers can receive the DSCSA transaction data (including serial number, lot and expiry) for each unit shipped to you.

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How do I log on to the Tracelink Portal to access unit level compliance data for each of my orders?

To access the unit level compliance for the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) for each of your orders, please log onto https://opus.tracelink.com/ with your username and password. Once logged in, select “TraceLink Network Applications – Product Information Manager” under “Network”. Once there, you will be required to enter the following:

Supplier/Vendor: Evolus, Inc. (company name will populate when you type)
Delivery Name: <order number>
Access Code: <order number>

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Where can I find the information needed to log into Tracelink to verify unit level traceability?

The necessary information will be located on the following:

  • Order Pack Slip (inside package)
  • Order Confirmation Email
  • My Evolus Portal (myevolus.evolus.com), select Order tab and select specific order number under
  • Order History
  • My Practice App, select Order tab and select specific order number under Order History
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How do I continue to access the ASN data for each of my orders?

To continue accessing your Transaction Information, Transaction History and Transaction Statement at the lot level prior to its expiration in November 27, 2023, you can register and log in using the following https://dropship.tracelink.com/portal_login.


Once logged in, the following information will need to be entered:

  • Supplier/Vendor: Evolus, Inc. (company name will populate when you type)
  • Delivery Name: <order number>
  • Access Code: <order number>
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How do I register on the Tracelink Portal?

If you do not already have access to TraceLink, you will need to register. Please click here. You will receive an automated response from TraceLink to confirm they are working on your request. You will also receive instructions for how to complete registration. If you do not receive an auto reply confirmation, please reach out to Customer Experience at customerexperience@evolus.com.

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